Let’s talk easy
Snowboarding should be all about simplicity, pleasure, no matter where you ride or what your level is.
A risky gamble but a desire stronger than anything else
In 2014 we gave birth to Easy Snowboards. We knew that it was a crazy bet to create a brand from scratch when there were already a lot of them, and not only small ones! We knew that it would be a long term job, with the means that we have, but also that our passion for snowboard making would win out in the end.
So we went there. 🙂
With a simple vision: to make high quality snowboards that we would be really proud to ride and sell at a reasonable price to all the passionates out there. That’s also what Easy is all about: the will to make snowboarding more accessible, whether it’s buying a board or simply choosing one.

Offer a top quality product at the right price
You see it all around you, more and more brands are currently reinventing the way we buy our clothes or equipment. With a little less marketing, advertising or middlemen, you can invest more in the quality of the product while marketing it at an adjusted price. It’s a delicate balance. By choosing an Easy board, you are helping a young company that is trying to live its dream. An that’s exactly what we do. 🙂

Our best publicity is our boards and the opinions of those who have chosen them.
The feedback from those who come to test our boards is often glowing. If it wasn’t so, we would have stopped a long time ago. So we continue to organize test sessions as much as possible to be as close as possible to the riders, on the ground, on good days and bad. Don’t be surprised if one day we stop next to you on the track and ask you what you think of your Easy board, that’s how we work.

We don’t just do boards.
We make magic happen !